Thursday, August 27, 2009

Center of the Plate- Thursday 08/27/2009

Hey ya'll! Well tonight we had a potato lab! A lab is when we cook. Some nights we will not be in the kitchen, it will just be lecture. But most nights we will be cooking! Tonight was kinda hard. I agreed to be the partner of a girl that didn't do much. That was quite a mistake. I did ALL of the cooking while she leaned on the prep table and took 5 minutes to slowly peel a potato. If you can't work quickly, or at least TRY, then why are you going to school for culinary? Just wondering! Anyway, we started to make scalloped potatoes, but we had to evacuate the building because of a possible electrical fire while they were in the oven. Everything was ok though. Didn't get to finish the scalloped potatoes, so I will try and finish them on Tuesday. But, I can tell you how we did it!

First I peeled 6 potatoes russet while she peeled one. Then I clarified butter. At the same time started the Bechamel Sauce. I put a half gallon of milk to simmer with an onion pique (half an onion with a bay leaf tacked to it with about 5 cloves) in it. While that simmered for about 20 mins, I clarified the butter. I set the butter aside while I tried to speed up the milk/onion pique process. I weighed 4 ounces of flour. I set the butter down and my partner started putting the flour in it. Mind you, the plan was to make a roux for the sauce. So luckily I saw her and took the pot to the stove and put it on the heat and saved the roux! Chasity to the rescue! I made the roux with the clarified butter and flour, then added the hot milk to it (took the onion pique out first, of course!) while whisking profusely (did I even use that correctly?). Then I brought it to a boil and them simmered it for about 20 mins (it said 30, but working pretty much alone, I had to speed it up a bit.) While I was doing all this, my partner managed to slice the potatoes. Not using a mandoline, but a knife (a mandoline looks like a grater, it buts the potatoes evenly.) So, I had to work with botched potatoes. But they were potatoes none the less lol! After the sauce was done, I poured about half of it into a bowl and mixed the potatoes in it, then spreaded them out in a buttered hotel pan. I poured the rest of the sauce on top of the potatoes and put em in the oven. It said cover it for 30 mins at 350, then uncover and cook for 30 to 40 mins. Well, again, we did not have an abundance of time, so I put them in at 400. After about 25 mins, I took the parchment paper off (that's what I covered it with) and re-set the timer for another 25 mins. That was when we had to evacuate the building. So, that's the end of THAT one. 

We also made a potato hash with purple potatoes. 
 We peeled some purple potatoes. I had never had them before, but they were pretty darn good. I chopped up a half of a large onion, and the sous chef (we have a sous chef in each class. Just a classmate helping out for the day, instead of actually cooking) She chopped up a green bell pepper. My partner again chopped, and by "chopped" I mean botched, the purples. I heated some oil in a frying pan and put the potatoes, onions, bell pepper and salt and pepper TT. Sauteed them for about 20 mins until the taters were tender. They turned out really well. And the best part is, after my partner was supposed to be watching them (but wasn't) and it stuck to the bottom of the pan, she watched them for a few mins until "oh look a puppy!" There was not really a puppy, but I'm trying to get a point across lol! 

Some of the other people did some really cool stuff. One group made sweet potato fries. Another group made mashed potatoes with the purple potatoes. That was COOL! It was just purple mashed potatoes! It was neat! One group made french fries, I think, and maybe waffle fries or potato chips?? They were small, so maybe tater chips. Not sure. 

Anyway folks, I'm tired. Gonna be off to bed soon! Tune back in on Tuesday night. I figure a set schedule for a couple of night per week would be better than periodically, here and there, never knowing when! Good night! 

Gonna try something new!!!

Hey ya'll! I am gonna try something new now! I am back in school, and taking a culinary class. So, what I'm gonna do, is on Tuesday and Thursday nights, I'll blog about what I made in class! I will blog tonight, but post it in a separate blog! I will be posting pretty late because my class goes til about 9 pm mountain time. I am SO tired! Alright, I'll go blog now :). 

Friday, August 14, 2009

Those Late Night Chocolate Chip Cookies from 7/29/09

Hey ya'll. I made those cookies again. But this time I took a pic of them! They were yummy!

Part of the kitchen

Hey ya'll. I took a few pics of some of the kitchen (stove area). Pic 1: spice rack (missing a few shakers) and knives, most of them are in the dishwasher lol!
Pic 2: Wine, salt and pepper shakers, and some of the big utensils.
Pic 3: The dutch oven. It used to be my Granny's. It's been around for a while. And you see the other cast iron skillets.

Grilled Steak! 08/10/2009

Hey ya'll. This one's a bit late! I made this on 08/10/2009. But, at least I'm posting it! It was great. Nothing like grilled steak!

Seasoned the steaks with salt, pepper, TC, seasoning salt and garlic powder, on both sides. Pour a little bit of olive oil on the steaks (just enough to get em wet). Rubbed it all together. Put it in a tupperware bowl (one that the steaks fit in perfectly), put the lid on tightly and shook it up, to make sure it got all over the steaks. Marinaded them for one hour. Heat the grill, put em on, and grill about 5 mins on each side. I also sauteed some green beens, cooked some egg noodles and put garlic butter on them. I added a few cherry tomatoes to the plate as well.

It was yummy. Well folks, enjoy! Goodnight and good eating! :)

Beef Stroganoff 08/14/2009

Hey ya'll. I haven't blogged in forever! I have only cooked a couple of times since the last time. Sorry! I will try to keep it up from now on! I have a couple of pics!!! YAY! So tonight I made beef stroganoff. It was really simple, but yummy.

Brown one pound of stew meat (beef. seasoned with salt, pepper, TC and garlic powder) in dutch oven. About 5 mins. Then add 2 cans of Progresso cream of mushroom soup. Pour it in the dutch oven with the meat. Bring to a boil, turn to medium low and simmer for about an hour and a half to 2 hours. (You don't have to simmer it that long. I do so that the meat would be more tender for my mom). About 20 mins before it's done, put hot water in a pot, along with egg noodles, and bring to boil. Boil until tender. Drain. Put stroganoff over noodles. It is yummy! I also cooked sweet peas as the veggie.

Well folks, hopefully all the pics attatch! Goodnight and good eating! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

grilled burgers 08/07/2009

Hey ya'll. Tonight I grilled hamburgers. I am totally the grill master! But I did not realize just how quickly hamburgers cook on the grill. But they turned out great. The bad thing is, though, there were a couple of earwigs on the grill! YUCK! I hate those evil little things! I know they are not poisonous, but they are SO creepy! 

I also baked some potatoes. I just peeled them, and sliced them. Then tossed them in olive oil. Then I seasoned them with salt, T.C., garlic powder and paprika. Then tossed again. Then baked them at 475 degrees for about 27 minutes. 

I also sauteed some asparagus. I didn't eat them though. I don't like that stuff! But my mom loves it. 

And what I said in my other blog about not putting how I made the food on here, I will. Well folks, I'm watching Friends, so I'm out! Goodnight and good eating! :)

oh! and another thing!

I lost my digital camera while I was visiting my aunt in Atlanta in May. But I bought a new one, so I should be able to start posting pics as well! WOO HOO!

sorry folks!

Hey ya'll. Sorry about the lack of blogging lately. I have been extremely tired and worn out for some reason. But I think I'm back to good again. I don't think that I am going to do anything extraordinary tonight. Mom wants me to grill burgers. They will be pre-made burgers. 

You know, I saw the Julie&Julia movie today. It was pretty good. Not exactly what I expected, but, it was alright. When I got home I looked up the blog "The Julie/Julia Project" It is an actual blog. This movie was 100% true story! So I read a few of Julie Powell's entries and it made me realize, THAT is more of how I should blog. Cook and just write about it. Just for kicks. Not going into detail about the recipes and stuff. She is an awesome writer and I think that might be a little better. 

Now, if someone reads the entry, and wants to know how i made something, I will do my best to tell them. I think it will be nice to experiment like this for a bit! I have a few cookbooks, but I would like more! I wouldn't mind having the Julia Child cookbook. It seems pretty neat to me. Plus, if I do end up going to school in France, it might be helpful! (The plan is to go to school in France next year, if I have the money.) The cookbook is French cuisine. Why the heck not? Anyway folks, I am off to do something, such as cleaning the house perhaps? Good times! 

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chicken Curry 08/02/09

Hey ya'll. Dinner tonight was great! I haven't made this since I was about 19 or 20. This is going to be kind of botched because I've already thrown away the jar that the curry sauce was in. It was a medium sized jar. I am posting late because I had to give Bella a bath. That was some kindsa messy lol! Do you know how hard it is to give a 6 month old puppy that weighs about 65 to 70 pounds, with a really thick coat a bath? Yea, it's a bit difficult lol. And I brushed her teeth. She really likes Colgate. LoL, just kidding! We have doggy toothpaste (chicken flavored!) Anyway, on to the food!

I used 2 fairly large boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
1 medium sized can of Patak's Curry Sauce (it would be the size that calls for 1 pound of chicken)

Cut the chicken into cubes, cook it until it's cooked thoroughly (doesn't take long, since it's small cubes). Then add the entire jar of Curry Sauce. It says simmer for 15 minutes, but I just put it on medium low for 15 mins, then on LOW for about another 20 or 30 minutes (until my mom got home). 

Serve it over rice. I cooked the rice that you put in the water, bring it to a boil, cover it and let it stand about 15 minutes until all the water is absorbed. So I started it about 20 minutes before I was ready to eat. (I like to let it set longer to be sure that all the water is absorbed!)

I also cooked broccoli as the veggie. It's weird. I don't usually like broccoli. Sometimes i despise it, and other times, like tonight, I crave it. Weird! 

But yes, that was dinner. It is a meal that can be done in 30 to 35 minutes (that includes cutting the chicken), but I prolonged it to wait for my mom to get home from work. But yes, it was cery delicious! :-D Alrighty folks, goodnight and good eating! :)