Friday, August 7, 2009

grilled burgers 08/07/2009

Hey ya'll. Tonight I grilled hamburgers. I am totally the grill master! But I did not realize just how quickly hamburgers cook on the grill. But they turned out great. The bad thing is, though, there were a couple of earwigs on the grill! YUCK! I hate those evil little things! I know they are not poisonous, but they are SO creepy! 

I also baked some potatoes. I just peeled them, and sliced them. Then tossed them in olive oil. Then I seasoned them with salt, T.C., garlic powder and paprika. Then tossed again. Then baked them at 475 degrees for about 27 minutes. 

I also sauteed some asparagus. I didn't eat them though. I don't like that stuff! But my mom loves it. 

And what I said in my other blog about not putting how I made the food on here, I will. Well folks, I'm watching Friends, so I'm out! Goodnight and good eating! :)

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