Friday, August 7, 2009

sorry folks!

Hey ya'll. Sorry about the lack of blogging lately. I have been extremely tired and worn out for some reason. But I think I'm back to good again. I don't think that I am going to do anything extraordinary tonight. Mom wants me to grill burgers. They will be pre-made burgers. 

You know, I saw the Julie&Julia movie today. It was pretty good. Not exactly what I expected, but, it was alright. When I got home I looked up the blog "The Julie/Julia Project" It is an actual blog. This movie was 100% true story! So I read a few of Julie Powell's entries and it made me realize, THAT is more of how I should blog. Cook and just write about it. Just for kicks. Not going into detail about the recipes and stuff. She is an awesome writer and I think that might be a little better. 

Now, if someone reads the entry, and wants to know how i made something, I will do my best to tell them. I think it will be nice to experiment like this for a bit! I have a few cookbooks, but I would like more! I wouldn't mind having the Julia Child cookbook. It seems pretty neat to me. Plus, if I do end up going to school in France, it might be helpful! (The plan is to go to school in France next year, if I have the money.) The cookbook is French cuisine. Why the heck not? Anyway folks, I am off to do something, such as cleaning the house perhaps? Good times! 

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